Astrology Teaches
Once upon a time
When we lived in the Sun
All forces were available ...
Anything could be done.
But in our weakness
Couldnīt deal with All-power.
So planets were ejected
īTil they stood one-by-one.
Now thereīs a particular pattern
Of planets and stars at oneīs birth,
Each focused through a "house"
Of the sky relative to earth.
Each personīs talents are biased,
Each has only part of the whole.
Only when all work together
Do we remedy this dearth.
As a transiting planet moves through
The sky
At each point along its eclipse
To some people it squares, to some
it trines,
To some its forces eclipse.
Thus one personīs weakness
May anotherīs strength be
But thereīs enough for all
If each shares what fate dips.
Let us appreciate differences
In every soul,
And form a team where each is