Elsa M. Glover |
Reaching Out
A has been unfair to B.
A took what were B´s by rights.
A did B wrong, A made B suffer.
Thus started a chain of plights.
B learned from A the way.
B took that what was C´s own.
B did C wrong, B made C suffer,
And thus made C criminally prone.
And so continued to D, E and F,
And to G, H, I, j and K,
And on and on through the ages,
Up to the present day.
Z has shown Y compassion.
Z has helped Y´s wounds to heal.
Z asked for nothing fro himself.
Z reversed the turning wheel.
Y learned from Z the way.
Y has given X a gift.
Y asked nothing for himself.
Y helped X´s spirits to lift.
And so it continues to W, V and U,
And to T, S, R, Q, P and O,
And on and on through the ages
Until all in the world know
The gateway to world peace
Is through the generous soul.